Tuesday, July 23, 2024, 12:45 PM - 1:45 PM
AI in Healthcare Showcase


Provider Spotlight

Provider spotlight sessions feature local healthcare organization leader(s) discussing how they have changed patient care.

Andy Chu, SVP Product & Technology Incubation - Providence Health & Services

Industry Partner Spotlight

Industry partner spotlights feature engaging, passionate speakers whose talks expose new ideas in healthcare that are supported by concrete evidence and are relevant to current and future industry trends. Presentations will explore novel and counterintuitive approaches to solving the many complex problems facing our health system.

Panel Discussion: The Power of Advanced Analytics in Patient Care Organizations through AI and Machine Learning Innovations

Advanced data analytics is becoming essential to success for patient care organizations of all kinds. Find out what the leading edge is in advanced analytics, especially in artificial intelligence and machine learning—at a time of rapid development and leapfrogging innovation.

Mark Hagland Ruben Amarasingham